GDX Mission
Diversity drives prosperity. When immigrants prosper, we all do.
Who is GDX
The Global Diversity Exchange (GDX) is a think-and-do tank, based at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University and funded by Maytree. They focus on the diversity that is a result of global migration. With more than 214 million people on the move in the world, from one place to another for reasons ranging from education, to work, to freedom, to family, to love, this diversity of race, religion, lifestyle, and culture is inevitable.
Under the leadership of founding Executive Director Ratna Omidvar, the GDX team identifies and amplifies the links between diversity, migration, and prosperity, and anchors these in policy, research and practice. GDX also brings together a group of international advisors from academia, policy, business, politics, and civil society to further our vision globally.
What they do
GDX provides thought leadership and analysis that helps nations, governments, communities, employers, and institutions become immigrant-competent and immigrant-confident. They contribute to an international policy agenda and deepen our work through academic and applied research and partnerships. They uncover and disseminate “what works” and so build a global movement that is anchored both in evidence and practice.
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